
Medicinal cuttlefish bone

Squid are valuable food and medicinal nutrition good, especially cuttle. According to traditional medicine, also known as cuttle-box core pirate, adventure customs pepper, salty, tart, slightly fishy smell, warm, non-toxic, with effects only blood, analgesic, astringent, anti-ulcer , cure many common diseases

Cuttle processing for medicine is very simple: Get the cuttle, shaved hard shell outside, soaked in water until the salt, then dry or dried. Original medicinal cuttle long oval, flat, in the middle of thick, thin edge. Dorsal surface white or ivory, flecked small nodules scattered, with a crunchy coating. Sometimes white ventral surface coated with a thin layer of transparent yellow, has many wondering.

Cuttle-metal coordination with internal inventory, honey cure stomach ulcers.
Cuttle For best quality use the thick apricot, white as chalk, no breakage. Blackened gold or is of poor quality. When used, the hard shell outside shaved cheese, cut into small pieces or powdered, finely sifted. In People, cuttle used mostly as medicines stomach ulcers, minor burns, hemorrhoids ...

Some commonly used prescriptions:
Minor burns: Plum ink carbonize, sifted flour, mixed with sesame oil or coconut oil mixed into a thick paste, apply twice a day. About a week, the burn will se again and heal.

Supportive treatment of hemorrhoids, bloody bowel Mai golden grilled squid, powdered, each taking 4 - 8g with horsetail plant decoction.
Support for asthma treatment: Plum 300g squid, cleaned, baked on stone tile for gold, finely disseminated. Adults drink per 8g, divided 2 times. Children day drink 2 times, each time 3g.

Cure stomach ulcers, duodenal, heartburn, constipation Defecation:
- Flour cuttle 85%, given the 15% powder, mix well. Each dose of 4 g with warm water before meals.
- Mai toner 20g, licorice 12g, 6g sample given territory, pulverized, sifted flour. Take 2 times daily before meals 6g about half an hour.
- Flours cuttle 4g, 4g metal powder internal inventory, aromatic roasted glutinous rice flour 2 g, 0.2 g of licorice powder. All mix well, pack into one package, drink 2 packs per day after meals. This powder can be mixed with a little honey (two teaspoons) Mix well to drink daily. This remedy has cure stomach pains, had the effect of increasing red blood cells.

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